2013 - Now: Peer reviewer at journals: Water Science & Technology,  Water Practice & Technology and H2Open journal of The                         International Water Association (IWA) 

2013: Flood Risk Assessment Implementing GIS hydrological Computation and 1D Hydraulic Model. Paper, Poster, Video.


2013: Does Infiltration Affect Overflows from the Avedøre Wastewater Sevices WWTP Catchment in Copenhagen? Paper, Poster.


2011: “Local Area Weather Radar (LAWR) System to Validate Drainage Systems Capacity—Case Study from Egedal, Denmark” 12ICUD, Porto Alegre, BrazilPaper.

2011: “Full-Scale Real Time Control Demonstration Project in Copenhagen’s Largest Urban Drainage Catchments”, 12ICUD, Porto Alegre, Brazil. Paper

2010: “Local Area Weather Radar (LAWR) System to Approve Drainage Systems Capacity—Case Study from Egedal, Denmark” DHI2010 Conference -Copenhagen.

2010: Modelling handbook (Modelleringshåndbogen) at Avedøre Wastewater Services.

2009: “Implementation of Hydraulic Modelling to Support Sustainable Economic and Quality Assurance in the Municipal Water Company in Egedal – Denmark” NORDIWA11 Conference – Odense, Denmark. Poster, Paper

2008: “Implementation of MIKE URBAN and MOUSE to Support Sustainable Economic and Quality Assurance in the Municipal Water Company in Egedal – Denmark” The DHI 2nd European MIKE Software Conference - Dubrovnik.

2004: “Modelling of sequencing batch reactors for wastewater treatment in Malaysia implementing ASM2 as a model structure and using AQUASIM”, Water and Environmental Management Series (WEMS), IWA Publishing London 2004, ISBN 1843395037. Paper

2003: “Feasibility study of sequencing batch reactor system for upgrading wastewater treatment in Malaysia”, Water Science & Technology, IWA, Vol 48, No. 11, 2003, pp 327-335. Paper